Book Review: The Harpy by Megan Hunter

Harpy: half-bird, half-human.

This book wouldn’t ordinarily appear on my radar; I normally gravitate towards a crime thriller or historical novel. When given a chance to read a proof copy of The Harpy, I looked up Megan Hunter’s debut novel: The End We Start From. It was described as “a gripping novel”, “strange and haunting”, “beautifully spare”. Good vibes so far!

Intrigued, I began reading…

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Book Review: Who Did You Tell? by Lesley Kara

I’m going to begin with a confession: before October 2019, I hadn’t heard of Lesley Kara! Then I was invited to a soft launch of her second novel, Who Did You Tell? Not wanting to meet Lesley in a state of ignorance, I bought a copy of her first novel, The Rumour.

Now, I love books but I don’t have anywhere near the time I’d like to sit and read. Fast-paced, gripping books are, therefore, perfect for me. And, The Rumour was just that.

Anticipating another can’t-put-it-down book by Lesley, I started reading my proof copy the day after the book event. Did it live up to expectations..?

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